The people of St. Michael’s are the heart of the community. Our community has a lean paid staff, but is filled with people who serve both within and beyond our walls.
At St. Michael’s, we like to say that “we don’t go to church, we ARE church.” We think church is not a building or a Sunday worship service, but a way of living together that can draw us closer to God, to humanity, and to all of God’s creation.
Rector: Elizabeth Henry-McKeever
The Reverend Elizabeth Henry-McKeever is our primary priest and pastor. She leads our community in mission, administering the sacraments, teaching, and encouraging our life of service and prayer. Elizabeth came to St. Michael’s in July 2019, after growing up in Arkansas and living in North Carolina, the Bay Area, and the DC area. Before ordination, she worked in non-profit communications and fundraising.
Elizabeth is married to Alison, a public librarian, and together they are raising two young children and a rescue dog. When she’s not chasing children or dogs, Elizabeth enjoys cooking, walking in the woods, and beekeeping. She is available for pastoral care, healing prayer, and to listen and reflect with anyone for any reason.
Administrative / Ministry Assi
Brian Harmon
Brian is a longtime member of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. He recently decided that 22 years of software projects for the banking industry was enough. Now he’s glad to be able to spend some time facilitating the ministries of the St. Mike’s community.
Bookkeeper: Paul Brown
Paul Brown is responsible for processing any money that goes into or comes out of the church bank accounts.
Sam Loudenslager
Kay Morgan (retired)
Bean Murray (retired)
Merry Helen Hedges (retired)
(Some of our) Ministry Leaders
This non-exhaustive list identifies the primary contact for several of our active ministry groups.
- Music Ministers: Beth Retzloff and Jon Tomasello
- Pastoral Care Ministry: Ann Honeycutt
- Tuesday Zoom Evening Prayer group: Janet Crosmer
- Altar Guild: Cindy Reyes
- Soup Ministry: Kim Kwee
- Beyond Our Walls: Judy Quattlebaum
- Ministry with Children / Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Elly Bates
- The Sword Long-Form Publication: Gary Wheeler
- Daughters of the King: Cindy Reyes
- Brunch Teams: Harold Hedges and Dale Custer
- Sacred Ground / Racial Reconciliation: Sam Loudenslager
- Technolyte Zoom Guild: Trevor Bates
- Discerning Hearts Co-Listening Ministry: Sam Loundenslager
- Afghan Sponsor Team: Debbie Hipps
- The Food Pantry: Kay Morgan
- Gardening Guild: Ann Filiatreau
- Grief and Graces Weekly Reflection Group: Bean Murray
- Prison Ministry: Keith Hearnsberger
- Our House Cooking Team: Denise Chai
The vestry is an elected body of lay members who help govern the church.
Term ending 2022: Al Robertson, Judy Lohmar (senior warden), Clark Phillips (Junior Warden)
Term ending 2023: Brian Harmon, Elly Bates, Louise Logue
Term ending in 2024: Dana Downes, David Maddox, Gary Wheeler
Bob Magee, Treasurer