From the earliest days meeting in living rooms in the late 1960s, the people of St. Michael’s have been focused beyond the walls of the church building.
Service is not as an activity or a project, but a way of life. We are all ministers. Some of us live out these ministries in paid employment as teachers, nurses, community organizers, or therapists. Others are deeply committed to vocations like parenting, tutoring, being a good neighbor, public policy and campaign work, caring for creation, and prison ministry. We try to support each other in our ministries and respond to God’s work as we see it unfolding in the world.

No matter how we serve, we believe a crucial part of being a faithful Christian means seeking God’s justice in our daily lives and being responsible citizens in a rapidly changing and complex world. In all we do, we try to live our lives in accordance with Jesus’s Great Commandment, which is to love God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
In all we do, we try to live our lives in accordance with Jesus’s Great Commandment, which is to love God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Of course, we fall short of those goals, but that’s where we are aiming. With God’s help, we can try again tomorrow.
Read more about some of our key habits and values: